• Flow-LT Software Support Subscription

Flow-LT Software Support Subscription (Screen-shots and Examples below).

FLow-LT SSS - Software Support Subscription provides updates and support for an extended period of 1 year, extending the previous Subscription Purchase.

Currently works PIC12F508, PIC12F510, PIC16F505, PIC16F506, PIC16F722, PIC16F1501, PIC18F2450, PIC16F1503 devices from Microchip Technology and with all PicoGirl projects.

Download the software (30 Day Trial Period Locked). You will need to buy the subscription license file for extended use - Download the Subscription License file (once purchased) from Here

(Minimum requirements: Microsoft Dotnet 4.0 , Microsoft C++ Redistrbutable 2010 )

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows XP Service Pack 3

Programming Options

  1. PRE-Programmed - (Software & Programmer Not Required) All projects can now be purchased with pre-programmed microchip PICs! This option does NOT require the use of the Flow USB Programmer.
  2. Instant Programmed - Cheapest option when purchasing more than 30 projects. Buy one Flow USB Programmer to program all your projects quickly and easily.
  3. Hex Programmed - Design your own code for our projects using your favourite programming language:

Instruction Manuals

For Every PicoGirl Project!

Select your Project from the Projects Tab and the Instructions Tab will display the corresponding assembly instructions.

Select the Page number from the Instructions Tab to see other Assembly and Design Instructions.

Re-Size the program or press the Maximise button to increase the size of the instructions.


How To Program

Programming Prep

  1. Select the Project
  2. Select the Programming Tab
  3. Plug in the USB Programmer
  4. 1/4 of Green Bar should light
  5. Plug in your Project with Batteries and turn it on
  6. Press the Test Voltage button
  7. 1/2 of Green Bar should light

Easy Programming 1-2-3

Erase Device - Sets the Memory Locations of the PIC to their initial blank state.

Read Device - Reads the Memory Locations of the PIC. A repetition of 0x0FFF or 0x3FFF indicates a blank state.

Write Device - Loads the PIC with the new Project Data or Hex-File Data (if loaded)


 Program Your Own Code

(Load Hex File tab)

Choose the PIC device type then Load Hex to locate your Hex file from your favourite compiling software (See Hex-Programming Options Above)

Then just program like normal and every time you compile new changes, Flow LT will update the Hex file.

Currently supported devices are:

  • 12F - PIC12F508
  • 16F - PIC16F505, PIC16F684, PIC16F722, PIC16F1827
  • 18F - PIC18F2450

ASM Delay Generator for MPLAB ASM Compiler!

(ASM Delay tab)


Generate your own time delays with precise accuracy down to the very last TCY (Cycle time).

Enter your desired time in microseconds and select the frequency of your microcontroller project.

The code is automatically generated and ready to copy into your ASM compiling software such as the Microchip MPLAB IDE software

  Super Accurate and Automatic Delay Calcultor - Gets the minimum code loops!

ASM Cycle Generator for MPLAB ASM Compiler!

(ASM Cycle tab)


Generate a Code Loop Cycle that will loop through your code a specified number of times before exiting.

This will help you do repetative tasks in sequence.

  • Eg. turn a red LED on and off 7 times and then move on to the next task.

Soldering Techniques

10 Steps to Perfect Soldering!

Follow these tips and suggestions to increase your soldering skills.


Fault Finding Advice

Find it and Fix it!

The best skill in electronics is fault finding - and it takes a patient thinker much practise to build up this skill.

eg. Not working then try the Power - make sure your batteries have enough voltage to erase and program the project.


*****  The Flow USB Programmer is in-circuit which means you can test and revise your code direct to our projects - No more chip-swapping! *****



Microchip, PIC, C18 and MPLAB are registered Trademarks of Microchip Technology Inc.

PICBASIC PRO is a registered trademark of microEngineering Labs, Inc.

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Flow-LT Software Support Subscription

  • Brand: PicoKit
  • Product Code: PicoFlow-LT 2012 subscription
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $18.20

  • Ex Tax: $18.20

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